
Thanks to their high-pre­ci­sion dri­ven ser­vo axes, Ser­voSpindlePress­es set a new stan­dard for pre­ci­sion and dynam­ics in form­ing tech­nol­o­gy. The dri­ve con­sists of only a few mechan­i­cal com­po­nents, mak­ing the equip­ment more reli­able.

Thanks to the rev­o­lu­tion­ary design, the spe­cif­ic sen­sors and the con­trol­ling devices, the equip­ment is more flex­i­ble for your appli­ca­tions. Changes in ram posi­tions, stroke heights and ram move­ment func­tions are imple­ment­ed by sim­ple adap­ta­tion of para­me­ters.

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Mul­ti­pleStage­Press­es are equipped with all of the tech­ni­cal advan­tages of the Ser­voSpindlePress­es, but are par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for com­plex tech­niques. Thus, for instance, when they are used as trans­fer or mul­ti­ple-die press­es, the sup­ple­men­tary axes are moved inde­pen­dent­ly by means of ser­vo dri­ves.

This way, their flex­i­bil­i­ty can be made use of for future appli­ca­tions. In com­bi­na­tion with the auto­mat­ed quick-change sys­tem, prod­uct changes can be exe­cut­ed quick­ly, and idle times can be reduced as well.

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Mechan­i­cal Press­es

Our mechan­i­cal mul­ti­ple-die press­es are char­ac­ter­ized by cam-dri­ven rams. The spe­cif­ic cam con­tour enables a dwell time in the DCs (dead cen­ters). This dri­ve pro­vides opti­mal pre­con­di­tions for tool­ing tech­nolo­gies in par­al­lel oper­a­tions in the field of blank­ing, draw­ing or trim­ming.

The mod­u­lar design makes it pos­si­ble to achieve the tech­ni­cal para­me­ters required by the spe­cif­ic case of appli­ca­tion. These press­es are equipped with ser­vo strip feed sys­tems of var­i­ous designs and mechan­i­cal or ser­vo-trans­fer axes. The die car­ri­er sys­tem that accom­pa­nies the press is specif­i­cal­ly cus­tomized for the user’s require­ments.

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Met­al Bel­low Machines

Our expe­ri­ence in the pro­duc­tion of met­al bel­lows form­ing machines goes back more than 25 years. These machines are pri­mar­i­ly used for the pro­duc­tion of com­pen­sators and bel­lows of 10 mm to max. 5,000 mm tube diam­e­ter.

In all tech­niques, the tube is formed inside out. For small to medi­um sized diam­e­ters, this is achieved by hydro-form­ing or by means of an elas­tomer, where­as the expand­ing or roll form­ing tech­niques are used for medi­um- to large-sized diam­e­ter ranges.

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