
H&T Pro­duk­tion­sTech­nolo­gie GmbH
Gewer­ber­ing 26 b
08451 Crim­mitschau

To the route plan­ner

Dri­ve via high­way A4

  • Take exit 62 to Meer­ane, Crim­mitschau, Zwick­au onto fed­er­al high­way B93 – dri­ve toward Crim­mitschau on Gablenz­er Haupt­straße
  • Dri­ve 2 km, then turn right in Crim­mitschau onto Bre­itschei­d­straße
  • Take the first exit at the next round­about onto Wald­sach­sen­er Weg
  • Turn left at the next cross­ing onto Gewer­ber­ing
  • Turn right after approx­i­mate­ly 100 m into H&T Pro­duk­tion­sTech­nolo­gie