Mul­tiSer­vo­Press­es are equipped with all of the tech­ni­cal advan­tages of the Ser­voSpindlePress­es, but are par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for com­plex tech­niques. Thus, for instance, when they are used as trans­fer or mul­ti­ple-die press­es, the sup­ple­men­tary axes are moved inde­pen­dent­ly by means of ser­vo dri­ves. This way, their flex­i­bil­i­ty can be made use of for future appli­ca­tions. In com­bi­na­tion with the auto­mat­ed quick-change sys­tem, prod­uct changes can be exe­cut­ed quick­ly, and idle times can be reduced as well.

Advan­tage in tech­nol­o­gy:

  • Max­i­mal ton­nage avail­able along the entire stroke range
  • Press forces can be dis­trib­uted with­in the die
  • Arbi­trary stroke loca­tions and stroke heights, large vari­ety of dies
  • Increased num­ber of strokes through indi­vid­ual motion seg­ments
  • More effi­cient prod­uct devel­op­ment
  • A wider range of parts can be pro­duced
  • Top cut qual­i­ty by high-pre­ci­sion ram par­al­lelism con­trol
  • High­ly com­plex parts can be pro­duced with sup­ple­men­tary oper­a­tions
  • Force trans­mis­sion cen­ters — num­ber and posi­tion

    For opti­mal adjust­ment to the tool work­ing range.

  • Ton­nage dis­tri­b­u­tion along the stroke

    Max­i­mal ton­nage along the entire stroke, bet­ter dis­tri­b­u­tion of indi­vid­ual press force com­po­nents with­in the die. Less ton­nage required than for con­ven­tion­al press­es..

  • Dri­ve dynam­ics

    Indi­vid­ual motion func­tions are para­me­ter­i­z­able to achieve max­i­mal press effi­cien­cy.

  • Small­est die clear­ances through high-pre­ci­sion rams

    Machine pre­ci­sion and active ram posi­tion con­trol guar­an­tee min­i­mal die clear­ance and top qual­i­ty cut­ting with low die wear.

  • Quick tool change

    Min­i­mal die chang­ing times, no loss­es of set­up para­me­ters, few­er per­son­nel need­ed for die change.

  • Ram posi­tion con­trol

    Com­pen­sa­tion of frame elas­tic defor­ma­tion and tor­sion in real-time mode, at dif­fer­ent load, veloc­i­ty and tem­per­a­ture.
